Corona Fight Captions

Today, the corona virus (COVID-19) has spread like an epidemic in the whole world. The diseases that mankind has faced so far are proving to be more deadly than all of them. 

The corona virus (COVID-19) is a highly virulent but dangerous virus. Its size is 900 times smaller than the thickness of human hair. The virus spreads from animals to humans and severely weakens the respiratory system of affected humans. If the immunity of human affected by corona is less, then this virus proves fatal for him.

Corona Fight Captions (COVID-19)

In this post, we have compiled 10 best captions which shows fight against Corona virus. Read these captions and share them with your friends and family on facebook, what's app, instagram, twitter and telegram. You can also use your favourite social platform to share. Post these captions in your timelines. Let's read them.

  • "This is a difficult time for all of us and we need to protect ourselves and our families, our country and the world from the Corona virus."
  • "Soon everything will be fine. Stay positive and believe in God. Fight the Corona virus."
  • "There is nothing permanent in the world. We will win against the Corona virus."
  • "We will continue to go to the cinema hall, shopping malls, tourist centers and other favorite public places. Do not give up hope. We have fought hard against the Corona virus."
  • "Let's not worry about anything. God is with us. Have hope. Soon we will defeat the Corona virus."
  • "You can't blame anyone. Everyone's safety comes first. Stay safe. Stay at home. We're fighting Corona."
  • "There is nothing stronger than time. This is unfortunate. But it will soon change and Corona will disappear."
  • "Some small efforts, repeated daily, are helpful in overcoming the Corona virus."
  • "The human creature will win the battle against the Corona virus."
  • "We support and respect our doctors, medical staff and police. They help us fight the Corona virus." 

Corona Fight Captions (COVID-19)

Prevention methods for Corona Virus (COVID-19)

Take complete care of hygiene to protect yourself from corona virus (COVID-19) disease. Along with this, there are some remedies which you can prevent by corona virus (COVID-19).
  • To avoid corona virus (COVID-19) infection, wash your hands with a sanitizer or hand wash and water for at least twenty seconds.
  • Wear a mask. With this, cover the mouth with the tissue while sneezing. 
  • Put the used tissue in the dustbin immediately and wash your hand.
  • While talking or meeting a person with a cough or a cold, make a distance of about one meter.
  • Do not touch your nose, eyes and mouth with your hand.
  • Eat properly cooked food.

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