20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes

Here are 20 best compiled motivational and inspirational quotes to keep you motivated towards your goal. As we all know that words have a unique impact on us specifically the words of inspiration and motivation that can literally change anyone's life. Words can change the vision how you look towards your goal and change your vision towards your journey. 

Each person has its own definition of success. Simply success is differ from person to person. For example success for a person is to own a big house. For other person it may be own a big car in his life. For any other person it may be to buy new clothes for him and his family.

To become successful in life, you have to decide a goal. Where you want to see yourself in life and why? This question should be clear in your mind. Here your interest matters a lot which is very helpful to decide your goal. That is your interest. Interest matters alot because this is the thing which protect you from boring and escaping away from your goal. Interest help you to work tirelessly with full determination.

Now, this is very important to know what are the steps you have to follow to achieve goal. What are the milestone you have to cover within your journey. This can be done by making a well executed plan for your goal with specific deadlines. This is the key point which help you to bring nearer to your goal.

In this beautiful journey, hurdles take our exam. Lots of people are unable to cross these hurdles. These people are forced by hurdles to give up in life. But this time you should not bent your knees over hurdles. In this phase of life everyone needs words of motivation. These words are able to keep out from this dilemma and redirect your path towards your goal. 

Whenever you feel tired and demotivated, read the biography of successful people and lines quoted by them. These will provide you huge positive energy and enough inspiration and motivation.

Let read the quotes given below which are full of enthusiasm and will give you enough power to enlighten your path towards success. 
1. “Reach high, for stars lie hidden in you. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.”
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
2. “My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength.”
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
3. “Motivation is the fuel, necessary to keep the human engine running.”
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
4. “You are only a prisoner when you surrender.”
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
 5. “If you are not able to see goals, they will take longer to achieve, and sometimes "longer" is "never".”
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
6. “Start with big dreams and make life worth living.”
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
 7. “Vision without action is day -  dreaming and action without vision is a nightmare.”
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
8. “The best way to maximize your time is by not wasting time. This requires playing and having an awareness of how you spend your time throughout the day.”
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
9. “Take action! An inch of movement will bring you closer to your goals than a mile of intention.”
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
10. “It's no shame in reaching second or third base if you aimed for first base.”
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
11. “We may place blame, give reasons, and even have execuses, but in the end, it is an act of cowardice to not follow your dreams.”
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
12. “Personal power is ability to take action.”
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
13. “You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.”
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
14. “Don't dare to dream big, just dream BIG!”
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
15. “When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more towards your coveted goal.”
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
16. “Once you have a clear picture of priorities- that is values, goals ans high leverage activities- organize around them.” 
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
17. “Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits.” 
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
18. “What you perceive as a failure today may actually be a crucial step towards the success you seek.Never give up.”  
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
19. “When someone tells me "no", it doesn't mean I can't do it, it simply means that I can't do it with them.”  
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes
20. “Some lean back. But those who lean forward are poised to cross the finish-line, first!” 
20 Best Famous Personalities' Quotes


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