Best 101 Motivational quotes that Inspire you to think positive

Quotes for Daily use as "Thought of The Day"

Best 101 Motivational quotes that Inspire you to think positive
101 Daily Quotes: Motivational and Inspirational Quotes

Let read the quotes

1.“ It is not necessary to distribute sweet for happiness. Sweet voice distribute more happiness among people.”
2.“Honesty is the best policy.”
3.“The root of education is difficult and bitter, but its fruit is very sweet.”
4.“Every little thing count in a crisis.”
5.“A man is great by deeds, not by birth.”
6.“Work is worship.”
7.“If you fail never give up because ‘F.A.I.L.’ means ‘First Attempt In Learning’.”
8.“Always remember that you are much bigger than your problems.”
9.“Don’t fear the darkness, stars shine in the dark.”
10.“Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own attention.”
11.“There is no present and future of the lazy.”
12.“Education is the movement from darkness to light.”
13.“Life without a purpose is meaningless.”
14.“Every single task is easy just get the sound from inside.”
15.“Never let others, control your life.”
16.“Don’t give up as there is always a next chance.”
17.“Mistakes are proof that you are trying.”
18.“Teachers open the door, but you must enter yourself.”
19.“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”
20.“Successful people never worry about what others are doing.”
21.“Effort is the root of success.”
22.“In union there is strength.”
23.“If you want to achieve something in your life , than change your way, not intensions.”
24.“Learn from everyone, but follow no one.”
25.“To give right direction to life, you should have right knowledge.”
26.“Suffering is the essence of success.”
27.“Black colour is sentimentally bad, but every black board make the students life bright.”
28.“Practice before you preach.”
29.“Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges.”
30.“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”
31.“A champion is a dreamer who never give up.”
32.“The sign of beautiful person is that they always see beauty in others.”
33.“Life is a journey.”
34.“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”
35.“Dream big and dare to fail.”
36.“Find your purpose and passion in the world.”
37.“Success is all about actions in the right direction.”
38.“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.”
39.“Life is a bicycle, keep moving to be in balance.”
40.“Change is the end result of all true learning.”
41.“Discipline and practice build confidence.”
42.“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”
43.“You are never too old to learn.”
44.“We know what we are but not know what we maybe.”
45.“Evil thoughts have evil ends.”
46.“Good things happen to good people.”
47.“Think before speak.”
48.“Educated people follow their rights.”
48.“Tit for tat.”
49.“Do hard work.”
50.“Change your thoughts to change your world.”
51.“The best teacher teach from the heart, not from the books.”
52.“Hate poverty, don’t hate the poor.”
53.“Hope will never be silent.”
54.“We need strength while doing the possible, but we need faith for doing impossible.”
55.“Character has to be established through a thousand stumbles.”
56.“Never stop doing little things for others. Sometimes, those little things occupy the biggest part of their heart.
57.“Time and Tide waits for none.”
58.“Education is a gift that no one can take away.”
59.“The secret of education is respecting the pupil.”
60.“True health and true success go together.”
61.“Only education improve the character of a men.”
62.“Eduvation is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
63.“Education is that best friend, an educated person is respected everywhere and beats the beauty and youth.”
64.“Every person is different, everyone has different abilities and weaknesses.”
65.“Love the truth and pardon errors.”
66.“Failure is success if we learn from it.”
67.“Do good and good will comes to you.”
68.“Small daily improvements, overtime leads to stunning results.”
69.“If you have dreams. It is your responsibility to make them happen.”
70.“Great dreams of great dreamers are always transcended.”
71.“It is very easy to defeat someone but it is very hard to win someone.”
72.“Yoi have to dream, before your dreams come true.”
73.“If you want to shine like a Sun, first learn to burn like a Sun.”
74.“Ignorance is always afraid of a change.”
75.“Confusion is the biggest energy of good thinking.”
76.“Always desire to learn something useful.”
77.“The aim of education is the knowledge not of facts.”
78.“Stay away from negative people.”
79.“Change your thoughts to change your world.”
80.“Great end of life is not knowledge but actions.”
81.“Education is the learning what you didn’t even know, you didn’t know.”
82.“ Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it.”
83.“Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work.”
84.“Be a good person but don’t waste time to prove it.”
85.“The glory of conscience is- Love.”
86.“Failure comes only when we forget our ideals, objectives and principles.”
87.“Honesty is a very expensive gift, don’t expect it from cheap peoples.”
88.“Understanding a question is half of an answer.”
89.“Be the change that you want to see in the world.”
90.“Everything has its beauty, but not everyone see it.”
91.“Concentration is the essence of all knowledge.”
92.“Anger dwells only in the barm of fools.”
93.“Be happy, but never satisfied.”
94.“Open with hope, close with success.”
95.“Success is ultimately about spending your life happy in your way.”
96.“What you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.”
97.“ Only that person progress in life who keeps his thoughts positive all the time.”
98.“Confidence is something that you create within yourself by believing in who you are.”
99.“Destiny is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.”
100.“Good life starts only when you stop wanting better one.”
101.“Bad habits grow unconsciously.”